Testimonials from the ECHO Epilepsy Community of Practice
ECHO Epilepsy is a community of practice bridging epilepsy specialists and primary care providers. It is a community of physicians, neurologists, nurse practitioners, RNs, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapist and others across Ontario who have participated and benefitted from the ECHO Epilepsy programs in the common goal of providing the best care to patients.
ECHO Epilepsy: In My Words – George Derbyshire, MD, FRCPC, FAAP | Paediatric Neurologist
ECHO Epilepsy: In My Words – Dr. Diana Mills-Tettey, MD | Paediatric Primary Care Physician
Host Teams
Our ECHO epilepsy education programs are delivered by specialist Host Teams from each of the Epilepsy Centres across Ontario. Who are these experts, what are their areas of expertise, why are they passionate about healthcare, and how can they can they help you? These are testimonials from the medical leads and interprofessional healthcare providers who lead these Host Teams.