Quick Study: Women and Epilepsy

Learn about the implications that the various phases of a woman’s life may have on seizure disorders and treatment plans.



Women with epilepsy present with unique management challenges/treatment needs throughout their lifetime which may be linked to hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle (or puberty), pregnancy, and menopause.

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Case Support

Healthcare providers can present your de-identified case for advice, support and written recommendations.

Submit a Case

This Quick Study series is facilitated by the University Health Network (UHN).


  • Discuss the interaction between oral contraceptives and AED
  • Recognize special considerations for prescribing AED and reproduction
  • Describe the rates of teratogenicity for various AEDs
  • Recognize and describe caregiver safety concerns such as breastfeeding and caring for young children
  • Discuss how the hormonal fluctuations prior to and during menstruation can impact seizure frequency
  • Explore the implications of epilepsy during menopause (include bone health)

Didactics & Recordings

Available after cycle starts

Available after cycle starts

Clinical Leads

Dr. Julien Hébert

Julien Hébert MD(CM), MSc (Medical Lead)

Neurologist & Epileptologist, Toronto Western Hospital (UHN)

Dr. Kyle Goldberger

Kyle Goldberger MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EEG) (Medical Lead)

Epilepsy Specialist & Neurologist, Southlake Regional Health Centre

Keriann Tingling, NP

Keriann Tingling, NP

Nurse Practitioner, Toronto Western Hospital (UHN)

Safiya Ladak

Safiya Ladak

Clinical Pharmacist, Toronto Western Hospital (UHN)

Carol Lafleur

Carol LaFleur MSW

Social Worker, Toronto Western Hospital (UHN)

Rosie Smith

Rosie Smith

Community Epilepsy Agency Navigator